Thursday, 4 February 2016

A Day in the Life | Update 2016

Considering, I have never really done a life update for you guys, I thought as I'm sitting in the airport waiting to board my flight, it would be the best time. I've decided that 2016 is going to be a year with a lot of self discovery, and change. I want to work more on myself, and the scariest part in all of that, is that my life is going to be different and a lot of things are not going to fit in it anymore. Its going to be a year of new relationships and leaving people behind who I feel weigh me down. 
I have been in my current house for almost a year, and I am finally fully going to unpack, and actually set things up like I have envisioned for the past 10 months. Its going to be so nice to get rid of clutter, and junk I've been holding onto probably since I moved out of my parents house two years ago. I have started doing yoga, every morning and it has made a huge difference in how I feel, as well as my anxiety has gotten a ton better. 
I have always struggled with depression and anxiety, so all these little changes I have been making, have begun to help quite a bit. I haven't been on my "crazy pills" for a couple months now, which has been amazing and I no longer feel like a zombie... the clarity that has come from not being drugged every day for lack of a better word has been fantastic. 
I have always had a hard time with letting go, whether it be feelings, material items, ideas, or beliefs. In life, I feel that we should all be able to let go of things that weigh us down, and are not positive. I need to start unplugging from technology every little while, because the things you end up finding out about yourself when you're not constantly plugged in to the social media circle. As much as I love constantly checking facebook, and instagram ect ect, not going on them for a day or two can really give you a new perspective, especially when you're not constantly posting things, to see how many likes you get. 
Regardless of all of this, I'm so happy to be focussing on my blog this year, I love keeping contact with you guys and letting you know my opinions on products, and things I love about hair and makeup.. I am also going to be adding more "lifestyle" posts this year, whether it be things I'm loving, recipes or anything random. 

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